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Mourad Bouache

PhD Computer Science

Address: San Jose, CA



Performance Engineering at Yahoo

Working at Yahoo part of the  Performance Engineering Group.

CPU Performance Modeling 

Processor Architect 

Microarchitecture Modeling 


Work experience


2012 - present

·       Analyze CPU performance monitoring hardware and software interaction

·       Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor Benchmarking

·       Intel Compiler and GCC test and benchmarks

·       Hardware Certification (Intel and AMD CPU’s - Nvidia and AMD GPGPU’s)

·       Linux RHEL and FreeBSD Certification- development and scripting the Certification      


·       Applications and Code optimization/ Compilers design.

·       CPU/GPU Benchmarking

·       Development and Deployment of the 10GbE Benchmark Tool.

·       Secure Sockets Layer acceleration: Development of SSL-Accelerators, GPU's and Intel Xeon         Phi Coprocessor implementation for Crypto-libraries (RSA-2k)

·       Hadoop framework and clusters manipulation

.       OpenStack Benchmarking Tools and Cloud Computing Projects management.




2008 - 2012


02-06/2012            Post-doctoral   position at Waterloo University, Canada.

                               Instrumentation framework (LLVM) Compilers and analysis tool.


06-12/2011            Post-doctoral   fellowship   in   LIRMM   Laboratory,   Dali   Group,

                               University   of Perpignan-UPVD, France.


01-05/2011            Post-doctoral Internship, Thomas M. Siebel Center for Computer Science,                                   University of Illinois-UIUC, Urbana-Champaign, IL - USA.         


09-12/2010            Post-doctoral   fellowship   in   LIRMM   Laboratory,   Dali   Group,

                               University of Perpignan-UPVD, France.



C, C+, Java 

Python, Perl, Bash





Server, CPU, Disk and Network 

Benchmarking and Profling

Intel and AMD CPUs

ARM Microarchitecture

Intel VTune Amplifier

Intel Compiler - ICC 

Cilk Plus 

Intel Xeon Phi

SSL Acceleration

Network Evaluation

2010 - present

2010 - present


2007 – 2010             Ph.D in Computer Science (Computer Architecture),   

                                   University of Perpignan Via Domitia, UPVD- France, (With Highest Honors)


2004 – 2006             Master of Science, Computer Architecture


1998 – 2003             Bachelor - Computer Science, Software Engineering


Ph.D THESIS - 2010

Title of thesis: Tools for analysis and evaluation of processor performance.

Key words: UNISIM framework, Parallelism, CLM/TLM Simulation and Emulation, Compiler design, Performance analysis tools


Objective of thesis:  Developing OoOSIM, a PowerPC Simulator. OoOSIM has a design methodology of simulated components to facilitate the duplication of units. The vectorization of the modules, is my contribution. My experiments show that without the application of vectorization, the simulation of a multi-core processor becomes very time consuming to load when the number of cores increases, even modestly show that vectorization can be simulated in reasonable CPU time with number of cores far beyond that offer products today.



Title of thesis: Improving the performance of processors based on a distributed execution.

Key words: Superscalar processors, Trace/ Execution driven Simulation and Benchmarking (SPEC CPU, MiBench), Instruction Level Parallelism, Simplescalar.


Abstract: The CPU register file with its access ports and the mechanism of reference are the critical resources of processor’s data way. My master thesis evaluates the impact of the increase in the superscalar degree on the data flow handled by the processor.


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